Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Say hello to little ol' me.

Well, well, well...here I am. I've officially crossed over to the dark side. After much discussion with my girlfriends...I've decided to start a blog...and hopefully, I won't find it that terribly grueling and maybe, just maybe...it may be become a daily thing.
So here's the question...why am I all of the sudden blogging? Well the answer is this...morning after morning, I come into work with the most amazing stories to tell my co-workers. Most of them sit there in disbelief, some maybe in disgust, and others wanting to live vicariously through me hanging on my every last word and demanding my daily updates as to what has happened in the last 15 hours since I have seen them. You see, I'm a 30 something single mom on the go, trying to enjoy life to the fullest. Trying to find some satisfaction in life whether that be sexually or mentally or more than likely a little of both.
I've been single a year now, and I'm just getting my feet wet getting back in the dating world after being on hiatus for nearly 6 years. Six loooong years, in a relationship where at one point I really thought he was the one. This was it...I could clearly see the path that I was on, and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Somewhere around year 4 things started going down hill. Suddenly I was caught up in a relationship where I was no longer trusted, I was no longer happy and the light at the end of the tunnel was long gone. Sex was no longer fulfilling but more like a chore and even then it was hard to fake it long enough to try to get my panties wet. Year 5 was the ultimatum. I sat him down and said I was falling out of love. I no longer missed him when he was gone and I'd watch the clock when he was home. I told him if things weren't gonna change and if both of us were no longer going to put forth the effort to try to get back to where we once were, then he needed to just let me go and let us each seek out what we were missing.
Well, I'm sure you know the rest of that story...things didn't change, in fact they got worse and I ended things as pain free as I could. He did not take it well at all and that's when his panic set in. After 6 months of call after call, drive by after drive by, email after email, text after text, flower after flower...and changing my numbers and emails...I took matters into my own hands, and the judge granted my request for a restraining order. For one full year, I get to feel safe and free from the harassment. That was in October of 2009 so luckily for me...I still have a few more months. Has he completely complied with the order? No, not really, I still get those annoying hangups from time to time, but it's so much better than it was so I can't complain.
So that's a little background on me. I'm just here to tell some stories on my journey in life. I plan on sharing those moments when I have come across something or someone (wink wink) amazing and I'll even share those moments of poor decision making that we all love to make from time to time. Life can be so amazing yet so crazy...I hope you have fun reading :)

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